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1、Xiuying Pu, Xiaoyue Li, Weijie Zhang*, Xiaochun Wang, Haibing Li, Haowen Li, and Wenjun Xu. Preparation of chitosan/safflower and ligusticum wallichii polysaccharides hydrogel for potential application in drug delivery and tissue engineering. J. Mater. Res. , DOI: 10.1557/jmr.2017.255.

2、Weijie Zhang,Lei Zhao,Jiangzhong Ma, Chenguang Yang, Xiuying Pu, Yonggang Wang, Fen Ran, Yanling Wang, Hui Ma. A kind of injectable Angelica sinensis polysaccharide (ASP) / hydroxyapatite (HAp) material for bone tissue engineering promoting vascularization, hematopoiesis and osteogenesis in mice. International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials, DOI :10.1080/00914037.2017.1320656

3、Weijie Zhang,Lei Zhao,Jiangzhong Ma,Xiaochun Wang, Yonggang Wang, Fen Ran, Yanling Wang, Hui Ma, and Shujing Yu. Electrospinning of Fucoidan/Chitosan/Poly(vinyl alcohol) Scaffolds for Vascular Tissue Engineering. Fibers and Polymers,2017,18(5): 922-932

4、Weijie Zhang, Xiaochun Wang, Jianzhong Ma, Lei Zhao, Chenguang Yang, Keyi Wang, Xiuying Pu, Yonggang Wang, Fen Ran, Yanling Wang, Shujing Yu, Hui Ma. Preparation of chitosan/pumpkin polysaccharide hydrogel for potential application in drug delivery and tissue engineering. J Porous Mater. 2017, 24:497–506.

5、Zhang Weijie, Chen Zhuo, Ma Sujuan, Wang Yonggang, Zhang Fei, Wang Keyi, Yang Chenguang, Pu Xiuying, Ma Jianzhong, Wang Yuli, Leng Feifan, Ran Fen, Kuang Yanbei. Cistanche polysaccharide (CDPS)/polylactic acid (PLA) scaffolds based coaxial electrospinning for vascular tissue engineering, International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials, 2016; 65:1, 38-46.

6、Weijie Zhang, Dawei Hua, Sujuan Ma, Zhuo chen, Yonggang Wang, Fei Zhang, Feifan Leng, Xiuying Pu. Preliminary study for vascular tissue engineering by electrospinning Angelica polysaccharide (ASP)/PLA microfibrous scaffolds. International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials, 2014; 63(13): 672-679.

7、Zhang Weijie, Wang Peng, Wang Yonggang, Fu Wandong, Pu Xiuying, Zhang Fei, Hua Dawei, Ma Sujuan1, Chenzhuo, Wang Minggang. Preparation and Characterization of Porous Chuanxiong Polysaccharide/Squid Skin Collagen Composite Scaffolds, Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy. 2013; 7(3): 323-330.

8、Zhang W, Guan X, Yang Y, etc. Biosynthesis fluorescent allophycocyanin alpha-subunits by autocatalyzing in E. coli Biotechnol Appl Biochem. 2009, 52(2):135-40.

9、X.Y. Guan, W.J. Zhang, X.W. Zhang, Y.X. Li, J.F. Wang, H.Z. Lin, X.X. Tang and S. Qin, A potent anti-oxidant property: fluorescent recombinant α-phycocyanin of Spirulina. J Appl Microbiol. 2009; 106: 1093–1100.

10、Yang Y, Ge B, Guan X, Zhang W, Qin S, Combinational biosynthesis of a fluorescent cyanobacterial holo-alpha-allophycocyanin in Escherichia coli. Biotechnol Lett. 2008; 30:1001-4.

11、Liu Shaofang, Chen Huaxin, Qin Song, Zhang Weijie, Guan Xiangyu, Lu Yandu. Highly soluble and stable recombinant holo-phycocyanin alpha subunit expressed in Escherichia coli, Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2009, 48(1): 58-64.

12、Wang, Y., Leng, F., Liu, X., Zhang, W., & Yang, M.. Optimization of microwave-assisted extraction of water-soluble polysaccharides from piteguo fruit by response surface methodology. Food Science & Technology Research, 2014; 20(4), 755-764.

13、Pu X, Fan W, Yu S, Li Y, Ma X, Liu L, Ren J, Zhang W. Polysaccharides from Angelica and Astragalus exert hepatoprotective effects against carbon-tetrachloride-induced intoxication in mice. Can J Physiol Pharmacol. 2015; 93(1):39-43.

14、Wang, Y., Wang, F., Ma, X., Sun, S., Leng, F., & Zhang, W., et al. Extraction, purification, characterization and antioxidant activity of polysaccharides from piteguo fruit. Industrial Crops & Products, 2015; 77(10), 467-475.

15、Pu X, Ma X, Liu L, Ren J, Li H, Li X, Yu S, Zhang W, Fan W, Structural characterization and antioxidant activity in vitro of polysaccharides from angelica and astragalus. Carbohydr Polym. 2016; 137:154-64.

16、Ran, F., Shen, K., Tan, Y., Peng, B., Chen, S., Zhang, W. Activated hierarchical porous carbon as electrode membrane accommodated with triblock copolymer for supercapacitors. Journal of Membrane Science, 2016; 514, 366-375.

17、Ran, F., Song, H., Ma, L., Niu, X., Wu, J., Zhang, W.. Fabrication and cytocompatibility evaluation for blood-compatible polyethersulfone membrane modified by a synthesized poly (vinyl pyrrolidone)- block -poly (acrylate- graft -poly(methyl methacrylate))- block -poly-(vinyl pyrrolidone). Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 2016; 27(5), 591–596.



1、张伟杰, 张飞, 付万冬, 王永刚, 杨明俊. 脱色鱿鱼皮胶原蛋白的制备方法, 中国, ZL201210013039.8.

2、张伟杰, 王永刚, 马建忠, 冷非凡, 蒲秀瑛, 陈卓, 张庭瑞. 靶向EGFR的重组蛋白光敏剂及其制备方法, 中国, ZL201410018512.0.

3、王永刚, 张伟杰, 马建忠, 冷非凡, 蒲秀瑛, 陈卓, 张庭瑞. 靶向重组蛋白光敏剂及其制备方法, 中国, ZL201410018463.0

4、秦松, 丁玲, 张伟杰, 李富超, 哈特穆特·拉赤. (3aR,5R,11bR)-3,3a,5,11b-四氢-7-羟基-5-甲基-2H-呋[3,2-b]萘并[2,3-d]吡喃-2,6,11-三酮的应用, 中国, ZL200810017159.9.

5、丁玲, 秦松, 李富超, 张伟杰, 哈特穆特·拉赤. 一种查尔霉素化合物及其制备和应用, 中国, ZL200810138336.9.

6、张伟杰,鲍慧 ,马建忠等,具有抗氧化功效的海带多糖活性面膜液及制备方法,中国,CN107115229A.





