2023-09-06 点击: 作者: 来源:银河welcome娱乐网站


岳晶晶,女,教授。2004-2008年就读于银河welcome娱乐网站生物工程专业获工学学士学位,2015年在兰州大学获得细胞生物学博士学位。2016-至今在福建农林大学基因组与生物技术研究中心工作。目前主要从事以番木瓜、菠萝为主的热带、亚热带作物基因组及其生物学性状研究,对番木瓜的不同品种的基因组以及生物学性状进行了系统的研究,同时对番木瓜重要农艺性状进行了基因挖掘以及表达调控研究。目前已经在《Nature Genetics》、《Current Biology》、《Plant Physiology》、《BMC Plant Biology》、《PLoS Genetics》、《Horticulture Research》等杂志上发表论文18篇。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目,福建省科技厅项目等5项,参与国家自然科学基金项目和福建省科技重大专项等课题4项。






1. Jingjing Yue#, Robert VanBuren#, Liu Juan#, Jingping Fang#, Xingtan Zhang, Zhenyang Liao, Ching Man Wai, Xiuming Xu, Shuai Chen, Shengchen Zhang, Xiaokai Ma, ..., Robert E. Paull, Qingyi Yu, Ray Ming*. (2022) SunUp and Sunset genomes revealed impact of particle bombardment and domestication history in papaya. Nature Genetics.2022, 54(5):715-724. (Q1, IF=41.307)

2. Jingjing Yue, Marc Krasovec, Yusuke Kazama, Xingtan Zhang, Wangyang Xie, Shencheng Zhang, Xiuming Xu, Baolin Kan, Ray Ming*, and Dmitry A. Filatov*.(2023) The origin and evolution of sex chromosomes, revealed by sequencing of the Silene latifolia female genome.Current Biology.Q1IF=10.9

3. Jingjing Yue, Qianqian Qin, Siyuan Meng, Huiting Jing, Xiaoping Gou, Jia Li, Suiwen Hou*.(2016) TOPP4 Regulates the stability of Phytochrome Interacting Factor 5 During Photomorphogenesis in Arabidopsis. Plant physiology. 2016, 170(3): 1381-1397. (Q1IF=8.005)

4. Yaying Ma, Hongying Yu, Yijing Lu, Sanji Gao, Mahpara Fatima, Ray Ming*, Jingjing Yue*(2023).Transcriptome analysis of sugarcane reveals rapid defense response of SES208 to Xanthomonas albilineans in early infection. BMC Plant Biology. (Q1IF=5.260

5. Xiaobing Zhao , Jinjin Song, Qiuxia Zeng, Yaying Ma, Hanmei Fang, Liyuan Yang, Ban Deng, Juan Liu,Jingping Fang, Liping Zuo, Jingjing Yue*. (2021) Auxin and cytokinin mediated regulation involved in vitro organogenesis of papaya. Journal of Plant Physiology.2021, 260: 0-153405. (Q1IF=3.686)

6. Ping Zhou, Xiaodan Zhang, Xinyi Ma, Jingjing Yue, Zhenyang Liao, Ray Ming*. (2022)Methylation related genes affect sex differentiation in dioecious and gynodioecious papaya. Horticulture Research.Q1IF=7.291


1. 国家自然科学基金(31701889),CpMYB24参与番木瓜性别决定的功能研究,2018/01-2020/12,主持,已结题;


3. 福建省科技厅对外合作项目(2021I0009),番木瓜体胚再生遗传控制及构建番木瓜新种质的应用研究,2021/8/1-2024/7/31,主持,在研;

4. 泉州市科技计划项目(2021N044),基于EMS诱变的番木瓜抗寒新种质的构建,2022/1/1-2023/12/31,主持,在研;

5. 福建农林大学创新基金(CXZX2020091A),番木瓜体胚发生以及植株再生过程的表达调控研究,2021.1-2022.12主持,在研

